The Dwelling

Installation with Julienne Alexander

“The Dwelling” at 1102 Taylor Street requests your presence for a psycho-social-spiritual alignment to take place this summer solstice eve, Wednesday June 20th, beginning at 7:09 PM. Please join us for this cosmic event, part installation, part party: the house is filled with oversized voodoo dolls, raw painted floors, strange edibles, bones and human hair and will serve as an ideal location to reign in the first moments of summer. These first few moments of summer will largely determine the course of the successive ninety days, so we must insist that you act accordingly. To enhance our chances of successful celestial accord, local musical celebrities will be on hand with moody tunes beginning at 8:30 PM. There will be a bonfire to promote goodwill with the lords of summer, as well as beer, wine, and herbal cocktails for balancing the humours. Axis will be achieved!