Category: archive
The Delusion
Untitled (human sized cage)
Untitled (specific nets)
The Impostor (and how do you plan to achieve your dreams)
Trim Diamond
Large diamond-shaped form made from a visceral concoction of materials
My cousin Ben, eating an hors d’oeuvre at my great aunt Edie’s eightieth birthday celebration
Three mounted slide projectors spin slowly and project distorted images onto an opposing wall. The circular slide holders carry a variety of images including humans, text, architectural spaces, nature and more. The wide array of slides constructs a space for nostalgia (both for lost technology and past experience) and curiosity. The repetitive action, as well…
On referme la boucle/It’s a small world
This piece explores the confines of communication. As an individual, there is one perspective from which we can communicate. This piece asks the viewer to step up and project their voice through a permeable horn, making physical the experience of projected speech. The effort we exert to communicate is always filtered and altered through our…
Untitled (chain)
This interactive piece is a work in progress. The chain can be manipulated into a variety of positions. In one direction it is completely fluid and bendable while in the other direction it is rigidly inflexible, creating a tension between the material and its form.
Doubles, Anyone?
This interactive piece involves the viewer in the process of mark making. By pulling the handles, an old-fashioned tennis racket slaps balls of pigment against a sheet of paper. It explores both the limited scope of the participant’s contribution and also the round about ways at which we create things.